Sunday, March 24, 2013


A month or so back I attended Mike Carbonaro’s NY Comicbook Marketplace, afterwards I went to the “Drink & Draw” after party where I sat around and drank while the artists I was with drew. (Apparently this is something of a regular occurrence with these guys.) Well, a couple of my friends graciously allowed me to have some of their sketches. Here they are now.

Iron Man 3 Movie cup

Check out the very cool Iron Man 3 movie cup I just scored!

Stan's Cameos

Marvel animation

Marvel should attach this short animation to all of their moviesAnimator BlackMeal pays tribute to Marvel Comics with this brief but wonderful animation. It would also serve quite nicely as the Marvel Studios production logo at the start of the studio's films.
[via Cartoon Brew]

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spidey in the Naked City

I just saw this post from Michael D Hamersky who regularly posts about comics. It was so cool, that we just had to repost it here.

This photo is a scene from an early 1960s crime drama called Naked City. The series ran on ABC from 1958 to 1963. This scene was showed in the episode titled "Hold for Gloria Christmas," which guest-starred Burgess Meredith, (seen at the left), and was filmed in June 1962. How do we know it was filmed in June of 1962? Take a quick look at two well known comic books displayed in the background of the newsstand scene!

Ant Man teaser

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kick-Ass 2 (NSFW)

Here is the Red-Band trailer for Kick Ass 2 (so totally NSFW). Truthfully, we never liked the first comic series (loved the movie, BTW), and never picked up the second comic series. Still, we will go see the new film, as it looks like a load of fun.


Monday, March 11, 2013


Spidey is (apparently) still relevant (only we already knew that)

This is a re-post of an article we just read...

Amazing Spider-Man #1 hit shelves 50 years ago, on March 10, 1963. Since then, Spider-Man has spawned four—soon to be five—big-budget movies, nine TV shows, a stage play, a radio drama partially masterminded by Brian Mays of Queen, a few dozen video games, and, of course, thousands of comic books and toys. He's a major figure, and he deserves to be: Spider-Man redefined our idea of a hero by making superheroes a lot more relatable than they were before.

How to Avoid Being Branded a Convention Creeper

We just watched this very interesting and informative video...

...and read the article to which it was attached.

it starts off like this...

Guys. Listen. I know being single sucks. Trust me, I’ve been searching for a good man for the past two years.

I don’t know when guys started confusing my cosplay page for an OKCupid account, but this year I’ve received about a dozen offers to go on dates with dudes I have never met. They are usually 20 years older than me, sometimes live in a completely different continent, and start their messages with “Hey sexy lady, wanna ride my penis?” I mean, I guess I should be flattered that someone wants me for a dickey ride based on a few photos of me in costume. But, it just doesn’t sound like solid basis of a relationship if you ask me.

I know there’s this stereotype that nerdy men are supposed to be awkward, don’t know how to talk to the ladies, usually shy. That’s really sweet, I actually like that in a guy. What I’ve encountered is not the quirky guy in glasses who stutters a little when talkin’ to a pretty gal; no. What I’ve gotten lately is a slew of men telling me just exactly what they would do to me if they had me alone for five minutes in their presence, and how honored I should be to let them perform such acts with me.

The rest of it can be seen here.

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...