Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Avengers Ensemble!

This was too funny not to repost.

Superheroes in History

Just saw this very cool post that offered up images of various Superheroes and villains in historical photos.

Here's Spidey in WWII:

Here are the others.

Window Washers

Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. --Fred Rogers

These men are window washers at a children's hospital in Pittsburgh! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Looking forward to comicbook movies from 2012

Looking forward to the comicbook movies that we can expect to see in the coming year...

“Given the on-going success of comicbook-related movies in 2012 we can expect to see more of the same in 2013. In this article we will look forward to a number of films that boast a comicbook theme or tie-in. Looking forward to 2013 we can expect to see the following films; all of which have some kind of comicbook connection — GI Joe: Retaliation (IDW) March 29, Iron Man 3 May 3, The WolverineJuly 26, Kick Ass 2 June 28, Thor The Dark World Nov 28 (Marvel), Man of Steel June 14, Red 2 Aug 2 (DC), The Lone Ranger July 3, After Earth June 7 (DynamiteSmurfs 2July 31 (Papercutz), and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Oct 4 (Dark Horse) — perhaps not all as high-profile as the lineup we had in 2012, but all funnybook movies to be sure.”


Comic book movies from 2012

Here is a look back on the comicbook films from last year..

“Like the decade that preceded it, the 2012 Box office was replete with films that either started out in comics, or had a long history in comicbook form. Last year was particularly notable as it featured not only the massive blockbuster hit, The Avengers (which finally brought together many of the lead Marvel comic characters that have been popping up in films for the past several years), but because it also marked the conclusion of Christopher Nolan’s epic Dark Knight trilogy, as well as the re-boot of Marvel’s very popularAmazing Spider-Man franchise. These three films were certainly the most anticipated of the comicbook fare to hit the Silver Screen last year, and while many fans did express some disappointments with them, they each did quite well at the box office, landing First, Second and Sixth (respectively) as the top-grossing films from last year.”


Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Man who killed Spider-Man

No I haven’t read this story yet (mostly because I haven’t read ASM #700 yet), but I'm posting it here and once i read the comic, I’ll come back and read this. In the mean time, you are free to read it if you wish.

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...