Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stan Lee's film Cameos

In celebration of Stan's Lee's 90th Birthday, here are several of his cameos across the legacy of Marvel films

Of course it doesn't include his appearance on the TV show, Heroes,

Or in the film Mall Rats.

Once more, Happy Birthday, Stan, and thanks for all of the good times!

This just in:

I hadn’t realized until informed by a friend, that Stan also appeared in The Princesses Diaries 2, so I'm now adding in that cameo as well.

One more clip, here is Stan appearing on EUReKA:

Oh, and I also found him on an episode of the TV show, Nikita in an episode entitled The Guardian.

There is a list of his appearances over on IMDB but most of them are as voice (in animated shows or as the narrator), and some are “real life” appearances (on talk shows, interviews or documentaries), with a few being actual cameos in dramas or comedies. I’ve posted as many as I found. If anyone knows of more Stan cameos, please feel free to suggest them and (if I can find them), I’ll add them to this list.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

And in other news

Saw this on Facebook, and had to re-post it here. I’m told that it is an actual photo, and not photoshopped.

Way to go, Stan, and happy 90th birthday!

OK, this just in, I've just learned that yes, the above image was n fact Photoshopped...

Needless to say, it is still pretty funny.

Oh, and the actual comic Stan was “Shreeding” was Action #75, The Death of Superman,

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Man of the year

TIME Magazine named President Barack Obama its person of the year on Wednesday, dubbing him the "beneficiary and the author of a kind of a New America," according to managing editor Rick Stengel. The announcement was accompanied by an instantly iconic photo of the President horsing around at the White House with a tiny Spider-Man. More from Today Show.

And with just a bit of Photoshop silliness...


Now add in SPFX

OK, now we’re having fun!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Amazing Spider-Man, via Carl's Jr.

This past year, Sony chose to re-launch the Spider-Man movie franchise with The Amazing Spider-Man. Well, while we weren’t completely impressed with the new iteration of our favorite hero, we did enjoy the film if only for the re-introduction of Gwen Stacy, our one-true love.

Well, as you all know, we are not just ga-ga over Spidey, we love it when a set of toys featuring the webbed one hits the fast food nation. As expected, with the advent of the new film, there was indeed a new set of toys, only they were issued by Carl’s Jr. & Hardee’s which are both essentially Left Coast franchises. As some of you may recall, Carl’s Jr. was also the franchise that issued the first set of Spidey toys, back in ’02.

Anyways, it took us a while, but we finally tracked down a full set of the ASM movie set, and here it is.

First up is the bag that all of these goodies came in (apparently with some food, I’m told)

 Then there was a “flicker” ring

 A “stick-up” Spidey figure

and a set of nine (9) collectible cards: Here are the backs...

 ...and here are the faces.

A couple of the other cool parts of the Spidey-related stuff from that film include the following...

A coupoun for some online game.

The cellophane packaging in which the toys came,

and the foil pack in which the cards were packed

And now they’re all mine. Hopefully when The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits the big screen in 2014, the toys will be issued by a franchise that is closer to me, and I’ll actually be able to check out some of the food that comes with these toys. 

Monday, December 03, 2012

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Oyster Festival 2012

Back in August of this year, I was working @ the Norwalk Seaport's 35th Annual Oyster Festival, and — as it has for the past three or four years — the Festival had a Sunday morning kid show staring Marvel Comics characters. Once again, I got my picture taken with the characters after the show, and will continue to use the photo as my desktop wallpaper for the next year (until the 2013 Fest, when I will get a new pic.).

Well I just today received the photo from the Oyster Fest volunteer who took the pic for me (John Leskovsky — thanks John). Needless to say, the Marvel stage show was the best attended show that we put on this year. Even better than our lead act, (the lead singer from the rock group Foreigner)

Oh, yeah, and that’s me in the center, sporting my pair of Avengers IDs (one of them signed by then President Ronald Reagan, and the other signed by the head of Homeland Security). Who’s cooler than me?

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...