Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Iron Man 3 Trailer

I realize that this has been already posted every else already, but I figure that I’d join in the fun anyway...

Wow, this totally looks cool, eh?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Grooming Spidey Style

OK, so we went out to the grocery store today, and well, we found the coolest shelf full of Spidey-related merchandise (very nearly bought these items then and there, but a small semblance of sanity crept in and I realized that I’d have to wait until next pay day to amuse myself.

Still I did snap off a few pics and thought I’d share ‘em with you fine folk!

OK, what we have here is Pull-ups

A bath kit (Shampoo, hair gel, body wash)

Body wash

Toothbrush holder

Wicked Spider-Cool, eh?

Hanging with Ray Felix

Perhaps one of the coolest things about going to comic book shows (like NY Comic Con) is getting to hang with good friends, including people like Ray Felix from Bronx Heroes. Which is precisely what I did while I was at NYCC, and I’m glad that I did, because it was there that I met Trevor Von Eeden. Trevor is doing work for Ray’s Bronx Heroes Comics and spent quite a bit of time at Ray’s booth. It was there — while visiting with Ray — that I was introduced to and got to chat with Trevor.

I even purchased a copy of the first volume of Trevor’s book, The Original Johnson. The graphic novel is Von Eeden’s personal and heartfelt biography of Jack Johnson, the first African-American heavyweight champion of the world, international celebrity, and the most controversial American of his time. This is an amazing artistic achievement of Trevor’s long and storied career (Trevor has worked on Batman, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Green Arrow, and many other characters), more than four years in the making and worth every moment (Look for my review soon to follow).

Anyway, here are some Pics from the con, including several of Trevor.

First up, Spider-Man stopped by.

Trevor & Catwoman

Trevor and the gang @ Bronx Heroes.

Mr. Trevor Von Eeden

Even Solomon Grundy stopped by.

For those of you who don't know Ray, he is an industrious guy. Never quite satisfied to do just one thing, he is now packaging his own line of soda. No, really, check it out!

Unable to resist, I purchased one myself, I even got mine autographed!

Seriously, Droogs, who’s cooler than Ray?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

NY ComicCon 2012

So, last weekend (as I write this) I attended the New York Comic Con and well, not only did I have a greet weekend (I hung out with a couple of new-found friends Bill Baker & Joel Meadows (Publisher/Editor of Tripwire Magazine). Turns out we were three Journalists, comicbook fans, and cinephiles having something of a great weekend together. Anyway, here are just some of the pics that I took over the weekend.

First up are The Avengers and some Patriotic Babes

This was the only Spider-Woman I saw

Spidey recently turned 50, and this is the birthday card that Marvel got him.

It was signed by numerous Spidey-Fans, with the hope of getting it into the Guinness Book of World Records (and of course, I signed it too!).

Naturally enough there were also a bunch of Spideys on hand (this one brought a friend)

This one stopped by Fay Felix’s Bronx Heroes Con table

Then he had to fight off none other than Wilson Fisk, The Kingpin!

Eventually though Spidey was apparently defeated by...who is this, Zero of the GI Joes?

Lastly, there was at least one Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) on hand to carry on!

And of course an Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Nobody Loves the Hulk!

Nobody Loves The Hulk” by the Traits, 1969.
Poor Bruce Banner 
Was working in his laboratory
When he saw Rick Jones
About to go up in a blaze of glory.
Well he saved the boy 
But what a change.
The explosion made him feel so strange
for his molecules had been rearranged 
into The Hulk! The Hulk!

The Hulk is a monster who is 
Ugly, oversized and green.
His strength is fantastic
And his disposition’s mighty mean.
And whenever people see him 
All they do is run around and scream

Nobody loves The Hulk!
Nobody loves The Hulk!
Nobody loves The Hulk!
(’Cept you and me)
We don’t allow no green skin people in here!

The Pentagon announced that the
Hulk has got to be destroyed.
They shot at him with H-bombs but
The Hulk only became annoyed.
All he wanted to do was settle down
and get employed.

Nobody loves The Hulk!
Nobody loves The Hulk!
Nobody loves The Hulk!

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...