Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Writing Challenge

A few weeks back — on July 11 I became involved in a writing challange. For my end I stated that I would pen a comicbook script a week for 10 weeks. I wanted to take a few moments to give you all a brief update of my output. As of today (the start of week 6) I have completed seven scripts, (this includes eight one-page scripts, — as well as plots for an additional 30 more installments, for a weekly on-line Web comic, for which I already have lined up an artist, and a place to publish it — more on that as it develops). I’m also part-way into script #8 (a 16-pager, this time out, twice as long as the rest of the material I’ve been generating).

Going hand-in-hand with the creation of new scripts, I have managed (with the help of my lovely wife) to have gotten typed up three or four previously-written scripts (I have a tendency to write my scripts longhand, don’t ask why, long story), as well as significant portions of my previously-written novella (that’s about half-way through being typed). I have started to type my scripts for the first draft, but many of them are still, or have previously been written longhand; hence, a preliminary word count of new material (not an actual total as some stuff has yet to be re-typed) is 13,220 words.

Oh, not counted in the challenge are the two magazine articles that I wrote and sold, or installments to my on-line movie column. So, yeah, I’m working this challenge as heard as I can.

Hopefully, when the challenge has run its course, not only will I be able to continue this type of output, but perhaps I’ll even be able to return to regular contributions to this forum.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Mo’ Simpson! Mo’ Simpson! Mo’ Simpson

No, that’s not the name of a new Simpson character, that is my coy way of telling you that I’ve acquired more of the Burger King Simpson toys. As of this moment, the only character that I’m missing is Apu. I’ve got a strong feeling that I’m not going to find him either, which is kind of a bummer. As I’ve said, I’m not really a big Simpson fan, it is just that I saw the film, and really liked it, so I was kind of interested in acquiring the entire set.

Still, given that I think that this is the final week of the promotion, I guess there is always ebay.
I've been Reviewed (again)!

That’s right folks, Psychosis! #1 has been reviewed yet again. This time it was done by a publication that is local to your humble blogger. Interestingly enough, they had some nice things to say about my story, and I thought that I’d share them with you.

If you are interested in some of the other reviews, you can check them out for yourselves. Not to brag, but Psychosis! has been favorably reviewed at Broken Frontier, PopThought, Comic Monsters, and others. Follow the links to see what they have to say about us!

If you are interested in learning more about Psychosis!, Guild Works Productions,or even the Comicbook Artists Guild, follow the appropriate links. to purchase your very own copy of Psychosis! you’ll want to travel to Dimestore Productions.

Tell them, The Perfessor, sent you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Its a Simpson Summer!

That’s right kids, the Simpsons are at Burger King, and here are some pics of them.

And then there’s the muchly sought-after Golden Homer.

Eat your hearts out kids...or beter yet, go to BK and have a Whopper!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Agent Unknown is on the comeback trail!

A very funny thing happened to me just now (seriously, just now). I was Googling myself (hey, don’t you ever Google yourself? you should sometime, just for laughs.) Anyway, I did, and in addition to my name, cited Agent Unknown, the comicbook series I did in the late ‘80s. Well, lo and behold, I came up on the following reference for a blog entitled Guns in the Gutter where the reviewer talked about my comic.

Seriously, how cool is that?

Well, truth of the matter is that he really didn’t like the comic all that much, but Hell, it is the only review of the comic that I have ever seen in 20 years. For me, the really cool part of this is that, well, as readers of this forum alrady know, I’m gearing up to revive Agent Unknown. So the fact that someone is writing about it 20 years later is kind of cool.

I‘m hoping that he will like the new installments much better.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Captain America is still dead, and this proves it!

I was going to write something witty and urbane about the following link (this site won’t let me embed it as does YouTube, so all I have is a link), but I’m pretty upset about it all. The story is about how a Dr. in Florida, who was at a costume party (dressed as Captain America) apparently sexually assaulted a woman in a bathroom.

Here’s the link.

Makes me want to go back and read The Other.
So, What Superhero are YOU?

Me, I’m who I always am...

Which Superhero Are You?

Hey, You're the friendly neighborhood Spiderman!!! You're cool cuz you're nice, you try to please everyone, and above all, you are humble. Those powers of yours are for good only. No messing around.
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One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...