Why does the world need a new site talking about comics? Well, if you have to ask, then you must have wandered into this space by accident because we are all about comics here at Is Nothing Sacred?.

Some personal friends of ours have hooked up with AOL and formed ComicMix. According to the site, ComicMix.com is...
...the new site for readers who enjoy all types of fantastic media, from comic books television and movies to video games and more. Every day, visitors find news, facts, reviews, commentary, columns and a community environment that reaches across the globe, across decades and into the future.
For the rest of that description, you can go here:
A couple of the principals involved in this endeavor are Mike Gold and Mike Raub (both long-time friends). The President and Editor-in-Chief is none other than Mike Gold who is a 30-year veteran of the comic book industry, among his many roles in the industry, Mike has been a group editor and director of editorial development for DC Comics, founder and editorial director of First Comics Inc., and publisher of Classics Illustrated, he was also editorial director for ArrogantMGMS, creating intellectual properties and overseeing media and ancillary rights and packaging comic books published by numerous comic book imprints, including Image, Acclaim, and IDW.
Mike Raub, is the on-line presence of ComicMix, delivering three-times-a-week podcasts that report on comics and all things Pop Culture. I’ve known Mike for probably 30+ years, frist meeting him as a fan when he hooked me up with the guys over at The Comics Journal — who published my first article. Later on, when Mike opened up his first store, I started to buy my comics from him. Mike (like myself) has a radio background, which serves him well in this incarnation of his career.
I checked out a podcast, and found it entertaining, and, well, fun. I urge you al to bookmark his site and check him out as often as you possibly can.