Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Obama Xs three!

That’s right kiddies, we now have multiple versions of Amazing Spider-Man #583. In our attempt to be all things Spidey to all of you Spidey-Lovers out there, we have learned that there are going to be a total of three variant covers to that landmark issue, the “standard version” (which we saw earlier). This one can seen (again) over here to the left of this opening paragraph. (oh yeah, there is the interior splash page to the Obama/Spidey story (which can be seen off to the right).

Then there is the first variant cover — which is essentially the interior splash page, minus the story’s credits, and plus the standard cover logo info. As with the interior splash page, this image is back-colored blue, and has The new President on the left side of the page, smiling his trademark smile and giving us the “Thumbs up” while Spidey is off in the background (hanging upside down while snapping a pic.).

The second variant has President Obama over on the right side (notice that the image has been flopped) and now appearing on a yellow background). I’m not really sure about why these two particular background covers were picked, and it quite possibly doesn’t really matter, but since the two issues are significantly different (and there is a “2nd printing variant” notice on the cover, there should hopefully be no confusion with collectors (and the rabid speculators) out there.

All of which brings us to the third variant which again has the President on a blue background, again, The President is off to the left (as he was on the first variant), with Spidey is in the background. This time there is an American flag proudly flapping in the breeze behind them, and again, there is a notice on the cover indicating that this is the 3rd printing variant. Also, this time around, Spidey’s snappy comment on the cover also seems to have been eliminated.

Well that should cover it, and I don’t believe that there will be any more variants (#2 came out this week, and #3 is due to come out next week). Oh yeah, if you wanted to read a synopsis of the Obama/Spidey story, you can pop over to SpiderFan and read one written by resident reviewer, Neil McClean.

Hopefully you got a copy (or more), for yourself and didn’t get stung in the process.


THIS JUST IN: To meet the continuing, unprecedented demand, Marvel is going back to press with AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #583 FOURTH PRINTING VARIANT. A record three sold out printings in three weeks will now be surpassed with a record fourth printing arriving in stores February 4. Now's your chance to experience the story uniting Barack Obama with the character that, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he named his favorite super hero!


Tommy said...

I think the American flag background adds to the cover nicely.

rjsodaro said...

I agree, Tommy; too bad that wasn’t the first alternative cover.

I guess they didn’t realize just how popular it was going to be when they did the first version.

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